How we work

Primum Risk Strategies, Inc. is a fee-only firm. We do not accept commission or remuneration from any insurance carrier, ancillary benefits company, or service vendor. We don't sell insurance policies. We solve business problems. In cases where the carrier or service vendor builds in required broker commission into a product we will fully disclose such arrangements and reduce our fee commensurately. We firmly believe that insurance product-driven commissions create a conflict of interest between all parties and promote inappropriate incentives that ultimately costs you more. Working with us on a fee-only basis does not mean paying more for your benefit plan. In fact, in most cases our transparent fee is less than what your commission-based broker earns . It also means that you will always know what you're paying for and whether we bring value to you. No hidden commissions, bonuses, and exotic sales trips from insurance companies you're never told about.  And working with us WILL lower your health plan costs AND improve your plan benefits. We back it up with a performance guarantee. We take a long-term approach that helps you see that your uncontrollable plan increases can be controlled when you realize your health plan can be managed like any other large expense for your business. Your current broker can't provide these things. The best he can do is offer a different policy or try to lower the increase that you probably didn't deserve.  The health system is stacked against you. We’ll show you how to even the odds. Want to know more? Invest in a 15-minute conversation with us.


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